Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 38 | Debriefing Nas’s Interview

In this debrief, Yetunde and Emmanuel dissect the balancing act of juggling athletics and a STEM major. They emphasize the important role of educational planning, especially when you are involved in heavily weighted, time consuming priorities. Furthermore, they speak to the importance of keeping a diverse set of options open as an athlete and focusing on the array of opportunities that may spark other passions in your journey. This is a must-listen episode for student athletes entering the community college.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 37 | Nas’s Interview

Hello listeners! In this episode, we explore Nas's journey as a former student athlete balancing his love for baseball and mathematics. Nas shares insights gained while redshirting his first year, realizing the intricate balance between sports and academics. With foresight Nas sought guidance from a STEM Counselor, ultimately discovering his passion toward computer science. Despite the numerous requirements he needed to complete his last year, he forged his way through doing what he needed to transfer to a UC. This episode is a must-listen for student athletes managing multiple priorities, offering inspiration and invaluable lessons from Nas's remarkable story.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 36 | Debriefing Ayami’s Interview

Welcome, listeners! In this debrief, Yetunde and Emmanuel explore Ayami's non-traditional approach of taking a gap year to dive into self-discovery and holistic growth before commencing her college career. They emphasize the importance of creating one's path and tailoring a plan tailored to individual aspirations. Moreover, they reflect on Ayami’s philosophy of cultivating curiosity and leveraging it as a catalyst for learning. This episode is an essential one for students eager for self reflection before they begin their college journey.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 33 | Corey’s Interview

In this episode, we dive into Corey's inspiring journey, marked by resilience and determination despite numerous hardships. Initially aiming for Morehouse College, Corey faced financial barriers, and then his admission to CSU East Bay fell through. While attending his third choice, a community college, he encountered common challenges such as work and school life balance, and struggled to find a major he was passionate about. Corey's resilience and persistence led to him discovering his passion for sociology, amidst juggling full-time work and familial responsibilities and led him to achieve educational success. Corey's story highlights the power of determination and resilience in overcoming challenges on the path to success.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 30 | Debriefing Julio’s Interview

Welcome back, listeners! Join us as we unpack Julio's interview, diving into the challenges students face during college assessments and their profound effects on them. You also will hear insights into selecting a transfer school, discussing key factors and pitfalls to consider. Emphasizing the importance of finding one's community within your journey, we highlight the supportive networks that foster growth, resilience, and belonging. Tune in for a wealth of knowledge and practical advice, empowering you to navigate the complexities of higher education with clarity and confidence.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 28 | Debriefing Kayla’s Interview

Hey listeners, welcome back! In this captivating episode, join our hosts Yetunde and Emmanuel as they debrief Kayla’s journey from the community college to the UC. Be ready to dive into reflection as they speak on the importance of self advocacy, communication and adapting to difficult transitions. Stay tuned as they unveil the importance of on-campus positions and how that can serve as the catalyst for unparalleled success. Don’t miss out on this episode filled with practical tips and inspiration.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4| Episode 26 | Debriefing Casandra’s Interview

Welcome back to another exciting episode! In this episode, Emmanuel and Yetunde debrief Casandra’s interview and dive into the challenges she encountered as a first generation college student. From navigating the intricacies of the college system to ensuring her Financial Aid was available, these experiences are a true testament of what first-generation students face. They discuss the real struggles students encounter in their educational journey and offer valuable insight and advice on overcoming them. This episode serves as a critical reminder to educators that for many students, they serve as the pioneers for their families, highlighting the importance of providing support and guidance tailored to their unique circumstances.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 24 | Debriefing Esther’s Interview

Welcome back, listeners! In this episode, Yetunde and Emmanuel debrief Esther’s interview and offer their insights on why exploring your local community college is essential. They share valuable tips on accessing resources, emphasize the diverse course offerings from community colleges, and discuss the financial benefits of attending one. It is always worthwhile to explore additional options and understand the advantages of your local community college. If you are contemplating a community college, this episode is an important reminder to seek out what feels most right for you.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 23 | Esther’s Interview

Hey listeners, join us for an inspiring journey about Esther's path from the UC, to Community College, and back to the UC! In this episode, she shares the pressure she faced in pursuing a traditional four-year university path and illustrates the remarkable opportunities the community college experience offers. Esther encourages students to explore what community college opportunities exist at their local college, emphasizes the diverse class options, and the freedom to explore interests. Ultimately, Esther advises listeners to trust what feels right for them. This is a must listen episode for those who may be on the fence about attending a four-year university after high school.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 16 | Debriefing Quincy’s Interview

In this episode, Yetunde and Emmanuel recap Quincy’s inspiring journey, who embraced community college as a crucial stepping stone to his dream school. Despite Quincy’s high school success, this episode explores the significance of considering alternative paths and why it is crucial to explore all available options.Tune in to discover the untapped potential within the community college and gain insights into the financial aspects to consider when making university choices.

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