Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 35 | Ayami’s Interview

In this episode, we interview Ayami, a first generation college student who chose to take a gap year before embarking on her college path. Ayami’s profound journey of self-discovery, utilizing reflection and drawing from her diverse experiences led her to discover her passion for environmental engineering. While she initially dove headfirst into community college, she reflects on the potential pitfalls of this approach, suggesting that a more measured transition might have been beneficial. Throughout the episode, Ayami imparts key insights on cultivating a learning mindset, especially when tackling challenging subjects, emphasizing the importance of maintaining curiosity as a driving force for continuous growth and development. This episode is a must listen!

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 29 | Julio’s Interview

Welcome back! In this episode, we had the privilege of interviewing Julio, a first-generation college student who bravely navigated the challenges of being undocumented. Motivated by his unwavering determination for a brighter future, Julio persevered through financial hardships, daunting assessment tests, and occasional lack of family support. However, he refused to be deterred, demonstrating resilience and a commitment to his goals. Julio's journey took a turn for the better when he discovered the supportive community of Puente, where he not only found encouragement but also crafted a clear vision and a plan for success. Tune in to hear Julio's inspiring story, and be reminded of the incredible power of resilience and self-determination.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 24 | Debriefing Esther’s Interview

Welcome back, listeners! In this episode, Yetunde and Emmanuel debrief Esther’s interview and offer their insights on why exploring your local community college is essential. They share valuable tips on accessing resources, emphasize the diverse course offerings from community colleges, and discuss the financial benefits of attending one. It is always worthwhile to explore additional options and understand the advantages of your local community college. If you are contemplating a community college, this episode is an important reminder to seek out what feels most right for you.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4| Episode 22 | Debriefing’s Olympia’s Interview

Welcome back, listeners! In this episode, we unravel Olympia’s student experience as a single parent, who made the brave decision to attend community college full time after attending part time. We share how Olympia provides valuable tips on self-advocacy, believing in yourself no matter what situation you are in, and seeking the resources colleges have to offer. We also discuss the importance of how to find the best major and transfer institution for you. Join us as we discuss Olympia’s transformative journey and success as a transfer student to San Francisco State University.

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Emmanuel Lopez Emmanuel Lopez

S4 | Episode 16 | Debriefing Quincy’s Interview

In this episode, Yetunde and Emmanuel recap Quincy’s inspiring journey, who embraced community college as a crucial stepping stone to his dream school. Despite Quincy’s high school success, this episode explores the significance of considering alternative paths and why it is crucial to explore all available options.Tune in to discover the untapped potential within the community college and gain insights into the financial aspects to consider when making university choices.

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